What Does ASL Mean in Texting?

When you see ASL in a text message, ASL stands for “Age, Sex, Location”.


What type of word is ASL?

ASL is an initialism abbreviation because ASL represents a shortened version of Age, Sex, Location.

  • A = Age
  • S = Sex
  • L = Location

Read on to find out when to use ASL in text messages and who uses it.  You can also learn whether you will get in trouble using ASL in a conversation.

Do you know what ASL means when you see it in a text?

The easiest way to understand when to use ASL in a text message is to see a few examples:


Text Example 1:

Hi, ASL?



Hi, tell me your Age, Sex, and Location



Text Example 2:

Some random person sends you a text message and says ASL to you.



Instead of making small talk, they get right to the point and as for your Age, Sex, and Location.



When to Use ASL in a text message?

Use ASL when you are talking to a stranger in a chat room or on text message and you want to find out their Age, Sex, or Location so you can quickly decide if you want to pursue that person romantically.



Is ASL offensive to Use?

Possibly.  If you ask a stranger you just met ASL, they might be put off and immediately stop chatting with you.


Who Uses ASL?

ASL is most often used by teenagers on text messages or chat rooms.


Common Places to see ASL

  • Text messages



Does ASL have a different meaning on Social Media?

Yes, there are a few different meanings of ASL that will depend on the context of when you use it.



Are there any other meanings for ASL?

Yes, a few alternatives meanings include:

  • As hell
  • As life



Other Related Abbreviations