What Does DTF Mean in Texting?

When you see DTF in a text message, DTF stands for “down to fuck”.   What type of word is DTF? DTF is an initialism abbreviation because DTF represents the first letter of a longer word. D = Down T = To F = Fuck Read on to find out when to use DTF in …

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What Does SP Mean in Texting?

When you see SP in a text message, SP stands for “spelling”.   What type of word is SP? SP is an abbreviation because SP represents a shortened version of Spelling. Read on to find out when to use SP in text messages and who uses it.  You can also learn whether you will get …

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What Does ASL Mean in Texting?

When you see ASL in a text message, ASL stands for “Age, Sex, Location”.   What type of word is ASL? ASL is an initialism abbreviation because ASL represents a shortened version of Age, Sex, Location. A = Age S = Sex L = Location Read on to find out when to use ASL in …

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What does SMOL mean in Texting?

When you see SMOL in a text message, SMOL stands for “Small”, but is intended to emphasize the small characteristics, such as cute and appealing.   What type of word is SMOL? SMOL is a phonetic spelling of Small because SMOL is spelled the way Small sounds. Read on to find out when to use …

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What Does HRU Mean in Texting

When you see HRU in a text message, HRU stands for “How Are You”.   What type of word is HRU? HRU is an abbreviation because HRU represents a shortened version of How Are You. H = How R = Are U = You Read on to find out when to use HRU in text …

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What Does TW Mean in Text?

When you see TW in a text message, TW stands for “Trigger Warning”.   What type of word is TW? TW is an initialism abbreviation because each letter of TW represents the first letter of a longer word. T = Trigger W = Warning   Read on to find out when to use TW in …

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What Does HML mean in text?

When you see HML in a text message, HML stands for “Hate My Life”. What type of word is HML? HML is an initialism abbreviation because each letter of HML represents the first letter of a longer word. H = Hate M = My L = Life Read on to find out when to use …

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What does ISTG mean in text

When you see ISTG in a text message, ISTG stands for “I Swear to God”. What type of word is ISTG? ISTG is an initialism abbreviation because each letter of ISTG represents the first letter of a longer word. I = I S = Swear T = To G = God Read on to find …

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